Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Iman dan akal sentiasa akan dilawan hebat oleh dua musuh ketat, iaitu NAFSU dan SYAITAN.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cytology and Physiology

Overall Aims :

-to provide an understanding of cytology, physiology and taxonomy
  of plants.

-provides general introduction of Pharmacognosy, leaves medicinal
 plants, constituents and uses.

 ILO(Intended Learning outcomes) :

-knowing adequate knowledge of cytology and physiology of plants.

-reasonable knowledge of medicinal leaves, their active  constituents and uses in life.

Botany comes from Greek word.
Botavn means grass / plants which are safe for livestock to eat
Botany is a branch of biology that involves the scientific study of plant life.
The cell may be considered the unit of life


-Cell wall

-Endoplasmic reticulum
-Plastids, chloroplast, chromoplasts, leucoplasts
-Golgi bodies

-Tonoplast : membrane separating cytoplasm and vacuole
-Plasmalemma : membrane bounding the outer surface of cytoplasm


-Proteins that are loosely bound to the membrane
-Proteins that are an integral part of the membrane

Nucleus - bounded by a double membraned envelope provided with pores.
             - required for the continued life of a cell.
             - for cell division.

Endoplasmic Reticulum - consists of an array of extensive flatenned vesicles
                                    - may / may not have ribosomes associated with the outer surface of the

Ribosomes : involved in protein synthesis

Mitochondria - small organelles about

botany : taxonomy


Today's lesson is TAXONOMY... InsyaAllah... :)

Taxa : general word for any plant group
taxa- plural,   taxon- singular

The categories of classification (taxa) prescribed by ICBN (International Code of Botanical Nomenclature) :


This ranking attempt to reflect real genetic relationship.

Category              Suffix ending

Division                                     Phyta
Class                                        Opsida
Order                                        Ales
Family                                      Aceae


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Makanan kegemaran Rasulullah SAW

Barli : bagus utk demam jika dibuat sup.

Kurma : Nabi kata rumah yg tiada kurma seperti rumah yg tiada makanan.

Buah tin : buah dr syurga. Boleh mengubati buasir.

Anggur : Nabi suka buah anggur. Ia membersihkan darah, mengubati buah pinggang,
               bersihkan perut.

Madu : makanan segala makanan.
            minuman segala minuman.
            ubat segala ubat.
            Mengubati cirit-birit jika dibancuh dgn air panas, membuka selera, menguatkan  
            perut membuang kahak. Elok diminum waktu pagi dgn air suam.

Tembikai(segala jenis) : Nabi berkata, wanita mengandung tidak akan gagal melahirkan
                                     anak yg baik dr segi karakter dan wajahnya.

Susu : Nabi berkata, susu baik utk membuang panas badan sprt tangan membuang   
           peluh dari dahi. Menguatkan belakang, memperbaiki otak, memperbaharui 
           pandangan mata, membuang kelupaan.

Cendawan : baik utk mata, perancang keluarga.

Minyak zaitun : rawatan kulit dan rambut.
                        melambatkan penuaan, merawat radang perut.

Delima : membersihkan tubuh dr syaitan dan bisikan syaitan selama 40 hari.

Cuka : Nabi selalu meminum dgn minyak zaitun(Trend yg popular di restoran Italy)

Air : minuman terbaik.
        Jika dahaga, hendaklah disedut perlahan-lahan.
        Jika diteguk, mudah mendapat sakit pada hati.


Alhamdulillah atas segalanya Ya Allah...